The Houston Area Survey  
The Houston Area Survey
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SES Correlates

HAVINSUR Do you and your family currently have any health insurance? (95, 99, 01, 03-05)
OWNRENT Do you own or rent the place where you live? (86, 87, 94, 95, 99, 01-05)
GETNEWS How closely do you follow the news about current events? Would you say: regularly, some of the time, rarely, or never? (05)
READNEWS How often do you read a newspaper carefully? Would you say: every day, a few times a week, about once a week, or less than that? (92, 01, 02, 04)
USECHIPS Do you ever use a personal computer in your home or place of work? (00, 02, 04)
INTERNET If "yes" (USECHIPS): Do you have access to the Internet? (00, 02, 04)
BUYFOOD If R has a child living at home (CHLDHOME): How serious a problem has buying the groceries you need to feed your family been for you personally during the past year? Has that been a very serious problem, somewhat serious, or not much of a problem for you as a parent during the past year? (02)
CHLDCARE    If R has a child under age 6 (YNGCHLDN): How serious a problem has arranging for adequate day care been for you personally during the past year? Has that been a very serious problem, somewhat serious, or not much of a problem for you as a parent during the past year? (02)
CHDINSUR If R has a child living at home (CHLDHOME): Does your child (do all of your children) currently have any health insurance? (02)
OWNINSUR Do you personally have any health insurance? (02)
OWNCLASS          If you were asked to use one of five names for your social class, which would you say you belong to: the poor, the working class, the middle class, the upper middle class, or the upper class? (00)

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